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lol, scotchtape! once again, i agree!

have u seen any lollywood movies, or do u plan on seeing any?!
Posted 20 Aug 2003


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lol, scotchtape! once again, i agree!

have u seen any lollywood movies, or do u plan on seeing any?!
Posted 20 Aug 2003


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tsk, tsk....y the name-calling ustaad jee?! lol.

will u go see a movie while in lahore?
Posted 20 Aug 2003


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tsk, tsk....y the name-calling ustaad jee?! lol.

will u go see a movie while in lahore?
Posted 20 Aug 2003


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i'm with scotchtape on this one....

they've also copied the following nusrat fateh ali khan songs:

nai jeena yaar bina
meree zindagee tera pyar (with madame noor jehan)
sawaan de neray neray
tere bina rogee hoay pyasay nain (with noor jehan)
yaar yaar khena

....and these are all from ONE ALBUM, mast mustt 2!

then there's akiyan udeek diyan, mast qalander, jhoolay lal, sajana tere bina, kina sona, piya ghar aya, loye loye aja mahi, mera dhol mahi, and many many many many many more nusrat songs.

also i've heard that movies like hum aapke hain koun, and dil wale dulhaniya lejayain gay, are all ripoffs of PAKISTANI movies.

bollywood....original....i think not.
Posted 20 Aug 2003


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'So there rests the ‘beauty-diplomacy’ theory. Maybe when all else fails, then India can cash in on Ash and those ‘disarming’ good looks.'

LOL, scotchtape. LOL.
Posted 20 Aug 2003


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i dont know if these are drama's of the year, but they're good nonetheless: mera ghar ek whirlpool hai, and saas bhi ek maa hai (even tho its only 4 episodes in)!
Posted 20 Aug 2003


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u make a very good point. everyone says zara selects movies carefully, which is good. i'm not putting her down, but it seems like all these new films have her in them: salakhein, laaj, commando, pehla pehla pyar, this new javaid sheikh movie and more. whats up with that?! for someone who says they dont want to make too many movies, she sure is over-exposing herself. but who knows?!

i also heard abt saima taking a break. has not been updated in a long long time, so i think that news is old. i think she already took her break and she has come back now. but again, i may be wrong. she should cut down on her movies too. lol.

i have tried to visit the YDAKH website too, but it doesn't work for some reason. they say its coming to theatres worldwide really soon, so i'll just wait. have u seen the movie yet, since you're in london?! as 4 sana, i have see 4-5 movies with her, and she's ALWAYS a dancing lady (dirty). lol. thats why i prefer resham or zara. i want to see how she (sana) does in YDAKH, and then i will reconsider my opinion! lol.

as 4 the posters...u don't like them!??! common yaar!! they're cool! they're artistic! the actual covers for movies are ugly, yes. but the billboards?!?! they're okay, don't u think!?! whats wrong with them?!

Posted 20 Aug 2003


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zara and sana!? i would rather resham be in the movie, or even veena malik. sana is okay, but the other 2 i mentioned would be better.

all i know abt commando is that sayed noor is directing it, and it stars shaan, saima, moammar, zara, and meera. big cast eh!?! i'm not sure how it will look (quality wise) but hopefully its along the lines of these new movies like larki punjaban, salakhein and so on. i also heard that on the set for this movie, meera became sick at one point. so saima (of all people) made her some get-well soup from her own hands!! lol. what a nice lady eh?! i'm looking 4ward 2 this movie!

you're 100% right abt people jumping to conclusions and judging lollywood movies based on the quality. the story can be good regardless. they should watch and then decide. nonetheless...once a lab is made, hopefully every movie will be up2date.

u're also right abt the covers 4 movies. they should ATLEAST get better printers!! lol. i can make better covers at home on my own computer. lol. but i like the old fashioned big hand-painted posters in pakistan, outside of the cinema's!!!! they're cool....

Posted 19 Aug 2003


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lol. not true....

so wats the story so far khan-saab?! whats the verdict regarding saima and her stock in pakistan?! has it dropped, or does is remain as high as it was when i was there?!
Posted 19 Aug 2003


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u're right. all they need is money and lollywood could make even bigger steps to compete internationally.

as 4 the javaid sheikh movie, it should be interseting. i hope he lives up 2 the previous movie, YDAKH. it will be hard. any idea whose in the movie?!

i had no idea pyar hi pyar mein was a flop?! it looks okay from the commercials. who knows tho?!

i'm happy lollywood is making movies overseas (london, malaysia, france etc.) the only thing is, they should not concentrate on the scenery THAT much. if u should overseas...good. but that does not mean u ignore the acting! for example, you'll notice one minor mistake in larki punjaban...they show so much scenery, and you don't get to see saima or shamyl in the songs that much. lol. they should be careful there....!
Posted 19 Aug 2003


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LOL. this is 2 much. lol.

i agree with the indian model who complimented pakistan's models. she's 100% right.

as 4 amna haq....she certainly makes these people look like they're ordinary. pic of mahima chaudry is scary. lol.
Posted 19 Aug 2003


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LOL. this is 2 much. lol.

i agree with the indian model who complimented pakistan's models. she's 100% right.

as 4 amna haq....she certainly makes these people look like they're ordinary. pic of mahima chaudry is scary. lol.
Posted 19 Aug 2003


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thanks buddy. how abt posting this message 8 times, in the BOLLYWOOD section?! lol.

u don't have to like lollywood (or even know it existed) but you'd be surprised at the srtides its making, and the strides pakistan is making. we're not restirctive or regressive.

and also...i would say 4 to 5/10 bollywood movies are either ripoffs of a hollywood or lollywood movie, judging from my own experience. and their music....9/10 movies will feature songs from LOLLYWOOD and PAKISTANI artists...again, facts based on my own experience with bollywood.'re somewhat right tho...they (bollywood) seem to be the 'in thing' nowadays, so i give them props, despite their nasty habbit of 'borrowing.' lol. but give lollywood a try and i'm sure u'll be just as hooked!!
Posted 19 Aug 2003


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sorry...the topic where i'd like 2 direct u 2 is, 'amna HAQ signing a new movie.'!
Posted 19 Aug 2003


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people, most of u have made so much fun of saima. some of u even posted pics and poked fun at her weight, overlooking her achievements in lollywood as an actress, and giving her NO credit for her ability. i tried to make you see her for her talent, but most of you refused to, instead opting to side with slimmer, 'better-looking' bollywood actresses......

well......i would like to direct ya'll 2 the post entitled: 'amna hussain signing new movie.' there, u'll see these bollywood actresses and how they REALLY look(ed)!!!! even tho i don't agree that so much should be based on looks especially if they are GOOD actors/actresses, i just found these pics to be sweet revenge for all the saima-bashing i had to endure!!!!!! lol.(J/K)! [^][;)]
Posted 19 Aug 2003


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welcome to JB scotchtape! i 4got to say that earlier. you've made quite the splash already. lol. i'm loving the 'glamorous' ash, and mahima there. LOL.

even tho i don't agree that looks should be given so much importance, especially with actors/actresses, this is too funny. i had no idea this was their 'asleeat" LOL.
Posted 19 Aug 2003


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LOL. never been 2 india but i agree with the pakistani actress. LOL.
Posted 19 Aug 2003


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oh no problem jee! you're right...i don't know TOO much, but i'm very interested in pakistani entertainment in general. lol!

laaj looks good only cause of the story. the actual quality looks like the same old lollywood movies. i'm not sure if the sound is diG**al, but i think mr. ydakh would know...
if there is no diG**al sound and the picture quality is bad, the movie is probably going to be a hit/flop based on the story. lets see how it does!

and u say u emailed the director for pehla pehla pyar and they actually replied?!?! wow! that means that they know what they're doing and they want to make their movie look good. i'm glad they're so confident and expect the movie to be better quality than bollywood's! i can't wait! any idea when it releases?

and as for the government giving money to make better labs, if this is true i'm 50/50 on it. one side is...its good that they're making out industry competitive and upgrading, as lollywood has been waiting long enough. but at the same time, the same money can go towards other issues in pakistan such as homeless people and help make pakistan better in that way! i don't know tho....either way, if the money goes to lollywood or to other things, it helps advance pakistan which is good overall!! so if its tru....great!

do u have any idea when this new javaid sheikh movie is coming out?!
Posted 19 Aug 2003


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tough decision! i hope u figure out which one to go 2, and keep me posted if u can, especially on the abrar/saima concert!

as 4 the reema movie, i heard abt the cast on sunday kay sunday. and i also heard that mommer quit, but the show i saw said, he will complete his current projects and then re-think his decision! i hope he stays.
Posted 18 Aug 2003


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indeed everyone had a great time, thanks! and i hope you also had fun at the london mela, even with the hot weather! a

as 4 reema...i think you're right. she's probably caught up in her movie. i heard that the cast has been finalized with mommer and resham in the lead. i thought that meera and resham were severely against reema?! so why then, is resham in reema's movie?! lol.

as 4 even tho i'm a big fan, saima is a very private person! she doesn't do interviews and such things, so its hard to keep up with her. but i do know that she'll be coming to london with noor for a concert along with abrar. maybe that has something to do with her movie (larki punjaban) as well, but i guess we'll find out! have u decided which concert u will attend yet?! will u go 2 this abrar/saima one?!
Posted 18 Aug 2003


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lol. shahrukh jee, lagta hai aap is film ka meray say ziada intezaar kar rahay hain! lol.

when it eventually does come out tho...u will will be good. judging by the commercials, it the quality looks similar to YDAKH. hopefully it will re-vamp lollywood.

anybody know when laaj and salakhein and phela phela pyar come out??
Posted 18 Aug 2003


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lol...thank you 4 asking abt the power outage in north america! i live in canada, not the u.s., but we also were effected. it was wierd, but it is now business as usual! in fact the independence mela went ahaed today, with an estimated 20,000 pakistani's jammed into a HUGE field, which was supposed to feture an open-air concert with abrar, haroon, naghmana, roop, tafu and more. however, due to this very blackout....naghmana, and haroon (who earlier in the day had a new york mela to attend) were unable to make it in time for the show. so we only got roop, tafu and abrar. abrar appologized on their behalf, and said a number of times that haroon and naghmana werw VERY disapointed and were very sorry for not being able to make it. that was nice of him. 3 weeks ago at the concert where reema was suppoed to be....nobody even mentioed her or her absense. but this time they appoligized, and gave a reason! so everyone was okay.

and just a side note: i think this concert proved to me that abrar-ul-haq has A LOT OF drawing power...much more than i first thought. last time, his concert was in direct competition with the bollywood awards, but it STILL almost sold out completely. now, with toronto 2 days removed from a complete blackout, nervous people, and also a second mela for FREE, abt an hour drive away (featuring jawad ahmed, and some others) abrar's $10 admission mela was filled with 20,000+ pakistani's!! even he said today that, despite jawad ahmed's free mela everyone STILL came to his mela and paid $10 knowing it would go to his hospital!! so i have a new respect for abrar....the man has ALOT of drawing power, atleast here in toronto!! he's the undispited KING of pakistani music!

the mela was AMAZING!!
Posted 18 Aug 2003


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on behalf of most lollywood fans thank you informer18. the bottom line IS a movie afterall!
Posted 17 Aug 2003


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unfortunately, no. he has a nephew tho...rahat fateh ali khan. its too bad...he's the only heir to the qawaali thrown (handed down from nusrat) but his talent is NOWHERE near his uncle's. lol.
Posted 16 Aug 2003


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lol. die, khan sahib?!?! from selecting veena malik?! lol. common now...
Posted 16 Aug 2003


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lol. khan sahib, unless you're near model town, where saima and most other stars reside, you won't come in contact with her. lol.

so u enjoyed independence day eh?! cool. and is it hot in lahore?! i heard its raining these days??
Posted 16 Aug 2003


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very true...

but if only she could smile once in a while. lol.[morph]
Posted 16 Aug 2003


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lol. now i'm confused. lol. (j/k).

i think you're right. the millan2003 concert is the supposed 'peace concert.' this is the biggest concert of the three in london. sajaad ali, abrar, fakhir, and namy other big names are attending this one. then the other one with humaira arshad, jawad ahmed and co. is a different concert. and the last one is with abrar, haroon, naghmana jafery, saima and nirma or resham (i think). i hope thats right. lol.

anyhow, again.....all i know for SURE is aug. 17th, in toronto - with or without power (electricity) - abrar comes to town!! lol.
Posted 16 Aug 2003


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lol. u're right noor-e-sahar!
Posted 16 Aug 2003